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Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

Helping Your Angry Teen Open Up to You

Most parents feel a little disconnected from their teen. But that doesn't mean that your teenager should shut you out all the time, or that you shouldn't continue to make an effort to engage with them. There is a balance between giving them space to develop into the independent adults they'll become, and supporting their growth and development with regular check ins. In this week's post I include a few tips for increasing the connection and communication between you and your teenager.

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Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

Is Your Angry Child Actually Anxious?

Anger and anxiety go hand-in-hand. For a child who experiences anxiety, their poor test grade may lead to a huge angry outburst. Or missing the goal at soccer practice may lead to them storming off the field. Their anxiety overruns their pre-frontal cortex, making it impossible for them to stop and think about their actions, and choose something different.

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Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

6 Weeks to Mindfulness: Week 6

We've come to the end of our 6 week series, so now is a great time for reflection. What was your purpose in picking up this mindfulness practice? Was it to practice anxiety management through meditation? Were you looking for tools to help your child with their anger? Figure out what the root of this was. And, while we can't change people around us - and we can't change what our children do or don't do - we can demonstrate healthy listening and coping skills for them.

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Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

6 Weeks to Mindfulness: Week 5

Our minds are always churning out lots of thoughts. So it can be helpful, during a meditation practice, to table these thoughts for later. In this week's post, I discuss a visualization tool: thought bubbles. When you allow your thoughts to drift away, you can focus more on your stillness, calming your brain and your body. A critical tool for kids, teens, and parents!

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Tools Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Tools Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

6 Weeks to Mindfulness: Week 3

Week 3 and we're halfway there! Today we practice mindful breathing - a fundamental skill so basic you may think you already know it, but trust me - there's room for improvement. Also included in this week's lesson, tips for training your children how to intergrate mindful breathing into their life as well. 

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Tools Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Tools Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

6 Weeks to Mindfulness: Week 2

Week 2 of our mindfulness series, and we're exploring how to scan your body for emotions. It's important to be aware of where you hold stress, anxiety, or frustration, as everybody's body is different. And when you're able to identify these trigger points, it's much easier to find 1. where you should focus during your relaxation practice and 2. where you need to check in to make sure your emotions feel controllable. 

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Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

6 Weeks to Mindfulness: Week 1

"Mindfulness" is probably a word you hear a lot, especially if you're looking for anxiety or anger management strategies. In this upcoming six week series, you'll find out the purpose or mindfulness, how to integrate it into your day-to-day life, and fundamental strategies for using it. This week, we're all about just finding a seat. 

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Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

Dealing With Back to School Anxiety

The ease of summer makes way, once again, for the stress, structure, and high expectations of the school year. And no matter the age of your child, the transition back to school can be difficult. So, how can you help your child prepare for and manage the stress?

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Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

Anxiety and Successful Teens

Your teen is successful at school, sports, and other extracurriculars. You've heard from other parents about the many challenges they experience with their teenager, and their concerns don't really resonate with you. While their adolescents may stay out late partying, engage in risky behaviors, or constantly argue with them, you feel like you have a pretty good relationship overall with your child. But you may be missing some crucial information about your teenager

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Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

6 Tips to Build a Better Relationship With Your Teen

We can all empathize with teens who just want their space - but sometimes, this gets in the way of you having a healthy relationship with your teenage son or daughter. These 6 tips are just the starting point! If you would like to hear more, or if you think your relationship with your teen goes beyond the scope of what's covered here, contact Kelsey to set up your free 15-minute phone consultation. Kelsey works with teens from her office in Webster Groves, MO.

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Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

How to Treat Anxiety Without Medication

Some people want a quick fix. Anxiety, like many other concerns, can take time to address and manage. Medication can be an important component of managing anxiety, but it's not an instant solution, and there are many steps you can take beforehand.

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Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

Recognizing Anxiety In Your Teenager

You wish your teen talked to you more, or joined in family dinner, but because they're doing so well with school and extracurricular activities, you wonder if you should even worry. Maybe you should. Some teens, even when academically successful, are struggling to manage symptoms of their anxiety. 

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Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

How to Help Your Angry, Anxious Child Calm Down

You can feel helpless when your child is out of control. The first step is to help them build a language for what's going on - is it nerves, anger, frustration? Then, build skills one at a time to help them manage these strong emotions - and ensure that you're being proactive, practicing skills before the freak out occurs.

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Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

What is Anxiety?

What is anxiety? We know the classic signs, but many people miss important clues that they are dealing with their own anxiety. Frustration, depression, and isolation may also indicate that you need some support for managing your own anxiety. What are your next steps?

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Kids Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Kids Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

What Is Counseling Like?

Counseling is all about making connections and figuring out goals. I work one-on-one with children and teens to make real change happen, but it's also important to take the time and see if your goals for your child or teen are the same as their goals for themselves.

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Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

Teach Mindfulness Like a Therapist

How to Teach Mindfulness Like a Therapist. Mindfulness is the act of being aware and present within each moment. It's a pretty buzz-y word right now - almost any classroom teacher, dance instructor, or coach is going to talk a little bit about incorporating mindfulness. Why? Because research has shown that mindfulness helps decrease stress, increase focus, and even helps improve relationships

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Kelsey Torgerson Dunn Kelsey Torgerson Dunn

A Quick Tip For Your Child's Anxiety

Anxiety in children is difficult to deal with, but anxiety is designed to be a helpful tool. Learn a quick tip to help with your child's anxiety here.

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