Guided Meditation for Kids and Teens
Another night with your kid asking for one more bedtime story, tossing and turning, can't get comfortable and before you know it - you both are in tears. These scripts are to help over-tired, anxious kiddos relax, learn to calm themselves and feel more at peace. You can use it before bed or when your child is feeling overwhelmed during the day.
Guided meditation and relaxation work best when you practice regularly.
Rather than listening to a video every now and then, or practicing deep breathing when you remember it, I strongly encourage parents to build in a regular relaxation practice for them and for their child.
Schedule it in.
By setting up a meditation every night or every two nights at bedtime, you and your child will quickly find that stress levels are lower throughout the week. Regular relaxation practice is my number one recommendation for managing symptoms of stress, anger, and anxiety!
If you have any questions on how to use these guided meditation scripts for kids and teens, or if you want to hear more about how counseling can help, please reach out to me via phone or email!

This guided meditation takes your child on a journey up a mountain, helping them connect to their surroundings and slow down to appreciate what's around them. One of my favorite meditation scripts!
A quick breathing walkthrough. Breathing is so important and fundamental for relaxation! Slowing down and focusing on our breath helps our bodies reconnect with our minds, and can center us. A great quick relaxation activity for you to do with your child as they're laying in bed.
A quick grounding exercise that helps your anxious kiddo feel connected to the earth around them.
Take a journey with your child, gently floating up in the sky before coming back down. A great relaxation script for kids who get caught up in the nitty gritty or are sometimes too detail oriented, as this exercise helps them imagine floating above everything else.
Our monkey minds get so busy, grasping from one thought to the next. So, this exercise helps us gently separate and disengage from our thoughts, watching them gently float away on a creek. A mindfulness exercise used in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or ACT, this is the meditation I most frequently use for myself!