Therapist Training Manual for Group Practices

When you’re getting your group therapy practice off the ground, you’ve got a lot to do!

One of the BIG pieces is your employee training manual, where you lay out your policies and procedures, and set the tone for your whole practice. It’s a lot of work!

But what if you didn’t have to start from ground zero?

Save hours and hours of work, and get a therapist training manual that’s ready to be customized for your group practice!

Ownership Level

for $600, you get…

  • Ownership of a fully customizable Asana board that will be transferred over to you, including:

    • Our in depth onboarding process

    • Our training materials

    • All of our policies and procedures

    • Our daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual tasks for therapists

  • A how-to video on using Asana

  • Viewable access to the loom videos and trainings Kelsey has recorded for her successful group practice at Compassionate Counseling St. Louis

  • A pack of downloadable google docs and forms, including:

    • Draft emails to parents, clients, and doctors

    • A copy of our ideal schedule, which we use to schedule new clients with the best fit therapist for them

    • Canned response emails for therapists to save, on introducing ourselves, our 48 hour cancellation policy, and schedule paid phone consultations.

  • Links to helpful articles and vetted CE training opportunities, including free CE’s that we’ve found and recommend

Ownership PLUS

  • $300 add on fee

  • Access to Kelsey for a 1 month period, asking questions and getting clarification on Asana through commenting on the board, including information like…

    • Why we decided on certain policies

    • Helpful articles on hiring staff

    • Related blog posts for clinical topics

    • How we set up our timesheets using g suite

    • And really anything else you need help with!


Therapist Training Manual for Group Practice Owners

  • A fully customizable Asana board, transferable to you.

    Instructions on how to use Asana

    Editable Google docs

    Training videos for your staff

  • After your purchase, you will receive a downloadable packet with instructions on how to request access to the board, your downloadable google forms, and how to ask questions. Please note you must request access to the Asana board!

  • $600


Therapist Training Manual: Ownership Plus!

  • A fully customizable Asana board, transferable to you.

    Instructions on how to use Asana

    Editable Google docs

    Training videos for your staff

    PLUS access to Kelsey for 30 days within Asana

  • After purchasing the Ownership PLUS level, you will receive a PDF download with instructions on how to request access to the board, your google docs to make copies of, and training videos on how to use Asana AND how to request information from Kelsey within the board.

  • $900

Developing a Comprehensive Employee Training Manual 📝

 FAQ’s for the Therapist Training Manual

Ok, quick summary - what are the levels available for purchase?

Level 1 - Ownership Level. Asana Board Training Manual + videos + google docs 

Level 2 - Ownership PLUS. Everything above + Kelsey added for communication 

What’s your experience with group practice (aka why should I bother getting your manual)?

I founded my group practice, Compassionate Counseling St. Louis, in in early 2017! Since then, we’ve grown from a part, part time practice on the side to a well regarded anxiety therapy practice in the St. Louis region. We keep our clinical team small and dedicated, but we’ve onboarded many therapists - and time after time, employees have said that our onboarding and training videos are one of the best bits about working for us.

Is this an employee handbook?

This is different than an employee handbook - it’s basically your policies and procedures training manual. Your employee handbook is really about what it means to be an employee at the clinic. It's more the legal topics.

Your policies and procedures training manual is unique to your practice. This is where you document how you want things handled clinically - for example, suicide protocol, late cancels or no shows. Training manuals are more malleable than the handbook as things can change with ease compared to labor laws changing (just not as frequently as processes), which is why it's good to have a living document, such as Asana.

Does this work for contract employees? W2’s?

This therapist training manual works for any type of therapist employee - it’s about policies, procedures, and training, so you’ll want to be sure to tweak the relevant information for your practice and how you run it. Your employee handbook (separate from a training manual) is where you'd want to ensure you lay out any legal requirements for employment regarding, say, PTO, or health insurance access.  

What about if my practice is not in the United States?

Similarly, if you’re not in the US, it shouldn’t impact how you onboard, train, or set up requirements and expectations for your employees. You may have specific legal requirements on how you structure things, but generally we keep the legal stuff to the handbook side of things, and policies/procedures to the training manual side of things.

Do I have to copy all of your policies? I don’t agree with x, y, or z.

100% you should make sure the policies on your employee training manual match up to what you’re already doing, unless you’re shifting practice policies for everyone.

For us, I’ve found that our practice does best when we hold boundaries with our clients and make them super clear, right at the start. So that means, we have a 48 hour cancellation policy even when a child is sick. We bill for phone calls that last longer than 15 minutes. We don’t reschedule no show clients unless they ask and have a clear plan for how to get back on track. But you’re welcome to make the policies that work best for you (as long as you’ve really thought them out!) - no judgement on our end, and, you know, hopefully no judgement on yours!

Can I make copies of everything?

Yes! All of our documents and written information is available to you. We have a veritable encyclopedia of resources and trainings on our employee training manual, which I’m excited for you to access!

  • Loom videos: You should be able to view all Loom videos unless there is password protection on them due to confidential CCSTL information. If you are unable to access something but you’re curious about it, remember that you can purchase 1 month of Kelsey access on Asana for an additional fee.

  • Google docs: We give you a packet of editable google forms. The full list includes copies of:

    • All canned responses therapists use, for confirmation emails, policy explanations to staff, and how we encourage conversation with admin as needed.

    • Our daily google timesheet for submitting payroll hours

    • Forms such as excused absences, treatment summaries, and our email signature formatting

    • Our how-to’s document

    • Our schedule document, which we use to keep track of therapist schedules, anticipated client graduation dates, and ideal clinical fit

    • Policy explanations

    • Our professional bio google form, to get started on writing staff summaries

  • Asana: You have ownership access to EVERYTHING on Asana. At the end of 1 month, ownership is transferred over to you. You’ll want to ensure that your updating information to match your policies, to include your name and group practice name, and to have the correct contacts.

Why do you use Asana for your group practice employee training?

We originally used Trello, which we also love, but in Asana it’s super easy to make a copy of everything. That way, whenever a new staff member starts, they get their own board to track training materials, and you can make sure they’re staying on top of their training within a set time period.

Because Asana works as a living document, you can quickly update policies, create new videos based on staff feedback, and really tailor it to your group therapy practice.

What systems do you have in place?

The policies and procedures manual is paired with the systems that we use at Compassionate Counseling St. Louis, so you’ll see training information on Simple Practice, our practice management software, along with the google suite and Gusto for payroll. I have affiliate links listed to get you a discount when available, but otherwise, please update to your own systems.

I’m ready to get started. What do I need to do next?