Helping Professionals Interview Series: Anxiety Disorders with Lauren Hendrix, PLPC

We had the fantastic opportunity to interview Lauren Hendrix, PLPC about her approach to treating anxiety. We are excited to share more about Lauren and her expertise with you!

Lauren has specialized training that allows her to treat anxiety and anxiety related disorders like OCD and Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors in St. Louis. Lauren offers St. Louis teens and adults a safe and understanding space to learn more about themselves and treat their anxiety and anxiety related disorders. Read more below to learn about Lauren and her approach to anxiety treatment!

Why did you choose to become a counselor in St. Louis?

I'm passionate about meeting people where they're at, love listening to others' stories, and have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge about the brain and human behavior, so a career as a counselor is such a great fit for me! I chose to be a counselor in St. Louis specifically, because I grew up one hour east of St. Louis and always loved coming to the city. I love St. Louis and love living here now, and I'm honored to serve the people of this city through counseling!

What kind of treatment do you provide?

I have an eclectic approach to my psychotherapy sessions, meaning that I pull from a few treatment modalities when working with clients depending on what problems they present with, what they're looking for in therapy, and what they respond best to. The most common modalities I use include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), comprehensive behavioral treatment (ComB), and mindfulness.

What ages do you work with?

I primarily work with older teens (ages 15+) and young adults, but I am comfortable working with all ages 15 years old and up.

What can parents expect to leave with after working with you?

When working with an older teen, or even a young adult with an involved parent, I make it a priority to educate the parents on what their child is struggling with, whether that is specific information that the client wants me to share with their parents, information about the disorder the client has, or how the parents can best support their child. I often send parents home with handouts or have them come in for sessions with the client to aid in this. With each client-parent duo, we all decide how often we want to do check-ins with the parent and how detailed those check-ins will be. I think it's very important to have the parents included and have everyone on the same page while also preserving the client's autonomy and right to privacy!

How long have you been working with clients, and how long have you been in St. Louis?

I've been treating clients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs), Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), and other anxiety disorders for the past two years. I've lived in St. Louis for about the past 3.5 years, but I grew up in southern Illinois just one hour east of St. Louis, so the area has always been home for me!

Who are your favorite types of clients to work with?

I love working with older teens and young adults who struggle with OCD, BFRBs, or BDD. I especially love helping them through the beginning stages of their diagnosis when they're not sure what they're struggling with, and I can help give a name to their symptoms and help them feel empowered in their treatment. I really enjoy clients who think about what we talk about in therapy in between sessions or do the "homework" I give them, because a big part of healing occurs from the work done in between sessions!

What happens during a first appointment with you?

During first appointments, I start with telling the client a little about myself to help them feel comfortable with me, and I then go over a couple therapy rules from my informed consent. I then ask the client if they have any questions from the new client paperwork, after which I dive right into why the client wants to start therapy! It is important to me during the first appointment that I learn as much as I can about the client and their present struggles while also helping the client feel comfortable in the therapy setting.

Could you talk a little about your approach and how it plays into your work with people recovering from anxiety?

In all the disorders I treat, I tend to lean more towards behavioral approaches, meaning I analyze the function of clients' behaviors and how these behaviors drive their anxiety. During therapy, we work on bringing awareness to the client's anxiety-driving behaviors and then implement interventions to decrease those behaviors. Although this is difficult work for clients to do, I help motivate and empower them with the strength I know they already have. Over time, clients witness the healing and freedom that come from learning that they can live a life in line with their values without clinging to behaviors that they thought kept them safe but ultimately got in the way of the life they wanted to live (whether that be compulsions, hair pulling/skin picking, or body checking).

What do you wish people knew about getting treatment for anxiety disorders?

I wish that people knew that getting treatment for their anxiety disorder can be a safe, welcoming process. With the right therapist, therapy should feel warm and unthreatening and like a space where the client can feel supported to face their symptoms. I often hear that clients felt scared to start therapy and that this feeling prevented them from getting help sooner. While I completely understand this feeling, I wish more people knew how many great anxiety therapists are out there! Especially regarding the main disorders I treat (OCD, BFRBs, and BDD), I know it can be difficult at first to find a therapist you trust who specializes in your disorder, but we are out here and can't wait to support you!

How can people learn more and contact you?

You can visit my profile on The Center for Mindfulness & CBT's website to learn more about me and to schedule an appointment!

You can read more from Lauren in a recent article she wrote at:

You can learn more about The Center for Mindfulness & CBT at:

Share one fun fact about you that most people don’t know.

A lot of people don't know that I competed in dance from age 3 through to college! Dance has always been such an important part of my life and still holds such a precious spot in my heart, even though I don't regularly dance anymore. However, I'm always looking for new ways to incorporate dance back into my life, because I think it is so important to foster your passions!

Curious to learn more about getting treatment for anxiety? Wondering if you need to connect with a therapist in St. Louis? Contact Compassionate Counseling St. Louis to set up a free 15-minute phone consult. We’ll talk about what’s going on and best next steps - and if we’re not the right fit, we’ll connect you with other wonderful St. Louis-based therapists, like Lauren!

Compassionate Counseling St. Louis provides specialized anger management and anxiety therapy in St. Louis for kids, teens, and college students. We work in Clayton, MO and serve kids, teens, and college students throughout St. Louis City, St. Louis County, Ladue, University City, Town and Country, Webster Groves, Creve Coeur, Kirkwood, Richmond Heights, and Brentwood.


Setting and Holding Boundaries with Anxious Kids: Parent Coaching at Compassionate Counseling St. Louis