How Much Does a CBT Session Cost?

CBT in St. Louis, which stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, can be a great therapy choice for kids, teens, and young adults with anxiety.

But, the type of therapy is not the only thing people look for when searching for a therapist. Money is a big deal, so how much a session costs for a specific therapist is nice to know when selecting someone.

Therapy is an investment, but not just financially. It’s an investment in your or your child’s well-being as well.

While a CBT session in St. Louis can cost anywhere from a $10 co-pay to $500 an hour, you want to know what you’re getting for your money.

And beyond the cost, you also want to look at how effective CBT therapy is.

At Compassionate Counseling St. Louis, we use evidence-based therapy and track outcomes every single week using Feedback Informed Treatment.

Fees for CBT Therapy at Compassionate Counseling St. Louis:

  • $205 per 45-minute session

  • $255 per 60-minute session

  • $305 per 75-minute session

You might be thinking that our rates are on the higher end - and yes, our rates are likely higher than what you’ve found elsewhere.

Before you turn the other way, let’s get into the “why” behind our session costs.

A big part of why our fee is what it is is to ensure our practice runs as efficiently and effectively as possible.

cbt therapy in st. louis

Image credit: DAVID ZHOU @gzzhouming1 on Unsplash

Your fee supports ongoing clinical training and support for our therapists.

We provide specialized anxiety and anger management services, meaning your therapist has ongoing anxiety therapy training. Additionally, our therapists also pursue additional certifications that are important to them - like art therapy, play therapy, trauma therapy, and EMDR.

We believe in paying a high hourly rate to our therapists.

We want to provide the best therapeutic fit for you, and you deserve to have engaged therapists trained in cutting edge techniques - not a therapist who’s feeling burned out, or who has such a huge caseload they can’t remember what you worked on last week.

We want to help your child feel better, as soon as we can.

Which is why our goal is to get you or your child on track as quickly as possible with changes that maintain over time. We have a clear system for tracking progress that lets us know if we are progressing, if we are moving towards graduating from therapy, or if we need to change things up or refer out.

We’re super comfortable with making sure that we’re getting you the targeted help you need - even if that means that we end up referring you out to another therapist.

Click here to learn more about how we work, and how that reflects in our weekly fees and our outcomes.

You can also learn more about having your insurance help you with the costs through submitting your receipts to out of network reimbursement. Questions to ask your insurance provider to get some clarity on that process can be found on the bottom of our fees and services page, found right here.

Whether you’re ready to discuss details with us or you’re looking more for someone who is in your insurance network, you can schedule a free phone consult with our intake coordinator and we’d be happy to help you with either.

Curious to learn more about anxiety and anger management counseling for kids, teens, and college students in St. Louis? Compassionate Counseling St. Louis provides specialized therapy services. Our counseling team works with kids and teens from age 4 through college. You can schedule a free phone consultation right here on our website. We work with families throughout Clayton, Brentwood, Webster Groves, Creve Couer, Ladue, and surrounding areas.


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