Why You Might LOVE Daytime Therapy Appointments

Therapy appointments for anxious kids and teens get booked FAST, especially when you need a specialist.

So while you may have it in your head that you and your kid can only do after school, you might be waiting… and waiting… and waiting. And all the time, your child isn’t getting better. In fact, things may be getting worse.

We don’t want you to have to wait to get in.

If you and your kid or teen need help, we want to help you ASAP even if we need to refer you out. But what we’re finding right now at Compassionate Counseling St. Louis is that lots of therapists have waitlists, especially for those after school times.

How do you get in to therapy quicker? Be open to morning and early afternoon.

Often, daytime appointments for kids and teens take a little longer to fill, so your therapist (who works during the day, too!) is available SOONER if you can meet during the school day.

It may feel really challenging to meet for a school day appointment every single week, but many of our families make it work, and even end up loving it. Here’s why.

One: You can start the day a little late, get out of school early, or use that study hall for something productive.

When you meet for a morning, lunch, or early afternoon appointment, you can usually schedule it during a time that’s not super important for school. And when your kid needs help with their anxiety or anger management, we can start our session talking EXACTLY about the school day, either preparing them to start the day on the right foot or helping them get ready for their homework and after school activities.

Two: Schools are pro-mental health, and they understand the importance of counseling.

If your kid or teen is getting in trouble at school because of their anxiety or anger issues, guess what - the school wants your child to do better! And how do they do that? They attend counseling on an ongoing basis. Many of the school districts we’ve worked with support students leaving during the day for their ongoing therapy appointments, especially when they see the noticeable and lasting change we make through our impactful approach to anxiety and anger regulation.

Three: We can meet virtually or in person, so you can choose what works best for your kid or teen.

Schools have gotten used to pivoting to virtual everything, and can provide a quiet space for your kid to meet with us for virtual sessions over the computer. You can talk with your school staff directly and see if there’s a quiet room next to the office, in the counseling department, or even in the classroom during recess for your child to use during our appointment time. And with virtual appointments, we can still check in with you as the parent first, and then just click over to your kid in their classroom.

Four: When you take the time for therapy, your child understands that their mental health, and their related behaviors, are a priority.

When you make time to connect with your kid and bring them to therapy during the day, they understand that what’s going on with them is important. Just like you’d miss school for a dentist appointment, or for a visit with a physical therapist, making a daytime mental health care appointments helps your child understand that their emotional wellbeing is just as important as their physical wellbeing.

Five: Honestly, parents kind of like the daytime break, too!

If you’re the one bringing your child to therapy at Compassionate Counseling St. Louis, our therapists typically spend the first 10 minutes with you, and the rest of time one-on-one with your child. Meaning you have a solid 35 minutes of quiet time, in our peaceful waiting room, with the sound machines gently whirring away. It’s a nice break for you to read a magazine, check your instagram, and drink your Starbucks. And if you end up resting your eyes for a bit, hey - you really deserve it!

Bonus for teen clients: If your teen can drive, they can get here and back to school, and you don’t have to worry about it!

High schoolers often have study halls or classes that are ok to miss during the day. You may want to check in with their school directly, but many of our high schoolers who see us during the day get back to school reinvigorated and ready to tackle the rest of their classes. We can always tailor sessions to end on a strong point, so your teen feels motivated and calm, and ready to head on to the next thing.

Daytime appointments may not work for everyone - but they could be an awesome fit for you.

You can schedule a call right on our website to learn more about our specialized therapy for kids, teens, and college students. We try to offer as much after school and weekend availability as we can, but those times go fast - so, think about if daytime could be a good option! And if not, we’re happy to help connect you to other awesome resources in the area.

Kelsey Torgerson Dunn, MSW, LCSW is the owner of Compassionate Counseling St. Louis and author of When Anxiety Makes You Angry: CBT Anger Management Skills for Teens. Get on the waitlist (and get a free download of those three steps!) by
signing up fo the newsletter.

Curious to learn more about our specialized therapy services for kids, teens, and college students? Our therapists provide anxiety and anger management counseling for kids, teens, and college students. We work with people throughout the St. Louis region, including Clayton, University City, Creve Couer, Ladue, Brentwood, Alton, the CWE, and surrounding areas. Schedule a free phone screening on our website, at www.compassionatecounselingstl.com/consult


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